Wastewater chemicals in the paint-, glue- and varnish-industries
In addition to chemicals which have been tailored to your individual wastewater problems we offer complimentary advice on process engineering. This permits the optimisation of your facility with respect to the consumption of product, fresh water, energy, and time, compliance with environmental regulation and reduction waste disposal fees.
Removal of paint, varnish, wax, and parrafine from the wastewater
For dissolved paint we offer adsorptive POLY SEPAR® AM and CFM –products with and without activated carbon.
POLY SEPAR® CFM-products can be dosed by hand for the removal of bonding agents. They also purify turbidity in wastewater.
Our specialist POLY SEPAR® AM-products enable the trouble-free filtration of sludges even if the wax-, varnish- and paraffin contents are high.
Removal of heavy metal from the wastewater
For the removal of heavy metal residues including those causing problematic pH-values we have developed specialist polymer flocculation aids. Also our POLY SEPAR® METALSORB can bind heavy metal residue in order to comply with regulations.
Eliminination of offensives smells from the wastewater
Our bacteriostatic products POLY SEPAR® KS 300 and KS 400 obstruct the activity of bacteria in wastewater and keep it odour-free.
Flocculation of fine dirt particles
Our products POLY SEPAR PK, AN, and AM can guarantee the flocculation of fine and finest particles during the after-treatment of the clarified water and extend the service time of filter units.
Treatment of foam in wastewater purification plants
In wastewater facilities surfactants can lead to considerable foam problems, which can be tackled with the help of our POLY SEPAR® DEFO-product types.
Reduction of COD in the wastewater
With the adsorptive additives POLY SEPAR AM, CFM the COD/TOC (now IOC) values can in many cases be reduced.
Expert advice – from a single source
We offer the following services free of charge:
• Detailed analysis of problem and situation
• Development of formulas on a laboratory scale
• On-site tests free of charge
• Comprehensive consulting on process engineering,
advice on products and profitability analysis.
• Fast trouble-shooting
• Sample production
• Ready to use liquid polymers
We would be pleased to offer you individual product advice to suit your specific requirements. Please use our contact form or call us at: +49 (0)4102-666-30.
We will be glad to provide consulting services on the required systems technology. Here, you can access our field service.

Please contact us should you have any questions.
Contact form
You could reach us also by telephone or by mail.
+49 (0)4102-666-30
This year we have again supported „Doctors without Borders“ and UNICEF with a donation.

Opening Hours
Monday – Thursday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. – 3 p.m
Monday – Thursday: 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Our Partner Company in Sweden and Scandinavia:
Separ Chemie GmbH | Erika-Keck-Strasse 4 | DE – 22926 Ahrensburg | Phone:+49 (0)4102-666-30 | Email: info[at]separ-chemie.de